projects/blow-4-php.txt · Zuletzt geändert: d.m.Y H:i von terminar




Some weeks ago i was searching for an easy way to do blowfish-stuff with php, but the only solution i found was using mcrypt or use some wrappers which weren't working for me. Due to several reasons, this was not what i wanted and i started to port blowfish to PHP, now theoreticaly you only need this php-source to encrypt and decrypt with blowfish, but the problem is, it is incredible slow!!!!! Like other implementations, this is not perfect, it is only used with strings, not with bytes, however, this is just a test and it is not fitting for my need yet because of the speed-problem, but if you like to help me optimize this code, you're welcome, write a mail to me if you want to contribute or just for something else…


(65 views) projects/blow-4-php.txt · Zuletzt geändert: d.m.Y H:i von terminar