projects/memcached.1194822786.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: d.m.Y H:i von terminar


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projects:memcached [d.m.Y H:i]
projects:memcached [d.m.Y H:i] (aktuell)
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
 ====== Memcached-1.1.13-pre+tags ====== ====== Memcached-1.1.13-pre+tags ======
 +===== Description =====
 This is just a small, quick and very dirty hack for memcached. It enabled you to use tags for your keys. These tags can be queried via the new tags command, the keys which have tags appended can be queried with the list command. This is just a small, quick and very dirty hack for memcached. It enabled you to use tags for your keys. These tags can be queried via the new tags command, the keys which have tags appended can be queried with the list command.
Zeile 7: Zeile 9:
 This is a proof of concept, just for my projects. This is maybe not bug free, this is even far from perfect work! Many thanks to the people of for providing memcached! This is a proof of concept, just for my projects. This is maybe not bug free, this is even far from perfect work! Many thanks to the people of for providing memcached!
 +===== Files ===== 
 {{projects:memcached-1.1.13-pre_tags.tar.gz|memcached-1.1.13-pre+tags.tar.gz (current)}} {{projects:memcached-1.1.13-pre_tags.tar.gz|memcached-1.1.13-pre+tags.tar.gz (current)}}
(1793 views) projects/memcached.1194822786.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: d.m.Y H:i von terminar